Our Mission

The mission of the Raleigh Historic Development Commission is to identify, preserve, protect, and promote Raleigh’s historic resources.

National Register historic Districts and Individual sites

RHDC recognizes the value of National Register designation: federal and state tax credits. The Commission has undertaken multiple designation projects in order to make tax credits available to owners of historic homes.

The US National Park Service administers the National Register of Historic Places (NR) , an official list of national historic cultural resources worthy of preservation. Nominations to the NR are submitted to and processed by the NC State Historic Preservation Office .

In addition, North Carolina's SHPO maintains a comprehensive and statewide study list  of properties that may be NR-eligible, although any entity may nominate a property. Properties placed upon the study list may or may not be designated as official National Register properties or districts. Contact the SHPO for more information.

National Register of Historic Places

National Historic Landmarks in Raleigh

National Historic Landmarks  are designated by the National Park Service. Raleigh currently has two:

  • Christ Episcopal Church
  • State Capitol 

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