Our Mission

The mission of the Raleigh Historic Development Commission is to identify, preserve, protect, and promote Raleigh’s historic resources.

Certificates of Appropriateness

Local historic district designation strives to retain the spirit and character of Raleigh, and the RHDC is available to assist in the planning and implementation of appropriate changes to Raleigh Historic Landmarks and local historic district properties. In the early planning stages of a project, property stewards are encouraged to call RHDC staff with questions or concerns regarding the design guidelines or review process. Staff is available to provide creative solutions, technical assistance (for example a solution to persistently peeling paint), and on-site consultations if appropriate. In addition, the RHDC has a preservation resource library available for consultation. For assistance, contact RHDC staff.

Minor Work applications have No Deadline.

MeetingsFourth Thursday of each month, 5:00 p.m. (agenda)

Location:  Room 201 of the Municipal Building (Council Chamber). Additional details are available on the City of Raleigh website.

COA Major Work application deadlinesDeadline dates are here!


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