Our Mission

The mission of the Raleigh Historic Development Commission is to identify, preserve, protect, and promote Raleigh’s historic resources.

Local Historic Landmark and District Designation

Raleigh Historic Overlay District Designation

Raleigh's community character is shaped by its historic communities and their architecture. Preserving Raleigh's historic neighborhoods, local historic district designation is achieved through the implementation of historic district overlay zoning. Communities eligible for this zoning layer have historic, cultural, architectural, neighborhood and or community significance in Raleigh. Local historic district nominations are reviewed by the public and designated by the City Council.

Raleigh Historic Landmark Designation

The purpose of Raleigh Historic Landmark designation is to recognize and preserve the character of the city's individual historic resources. The process involves RHDC recommendation of the resource to the City Council in public hearing, after which the council may choose to adopt an ordinance designating the property a historic landmark.

Raleigh Historic Landmark designation is an effective step in preventing demolition and carries with it significant tax benefits.

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