Our Mission

The mission of the Raleigh Historic Development Commission is to identify, preserve, protect, and promote Raleigh’s historic resources.

Demolition by Neglect Procedure

October 18, 1999; revised January 14, 2003; revised April 20, 2021

Applicable to properties in Historic Overlay Districts and for Raleigh Historic Landmarks.

  1. A deteriorated property is identified by:
    1. Neighborhood association; or
    2. A citizen.
  2. Demolition by Neglect “advice” letter is sent to property owners by:
    1. Neighborhood; or
    2. RHDC at the request of a citizen (as approved by the Commission).
  3. Condition of property is monitored by:
    1. Neighborhood; or
    2. RHDC commissioner.
  4. If no repairs are made within 6 months the matter is forwarded to the RHDC when:
    1. Neighborhood association notifies RHDC of the matter and includes a copy of dated “advice” letter; or
    2. RHDC commissioner alerts staff.
  5. RHDC makes evaluation of conditions (applying standards listed in ordinance), based upon available resources.
  6. RHDC makes a determination regarding demolition by neglect.
  7. RHDC advises neighborhood association or individual of its determination.
  8. If the determination is that the property is undergoing demolition by neglect RHDC prepares petition and submits to Housing and Neighborhoods Department to initiate case.

NOTE: The RHDC has limited resources and cases will be scheduled on a case-by-case basis as resources are available.

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