Our Mission

The mission of the Raleigh Historic Development Commission is to identify, preserve, protect, and promote Raleigh’s historic resources.

RHDC Committees

Standing Committees

Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) Committee

  • Reviews COA applications
  • Issues COAs
  • Inspects properties per the demolition-by-neglect ordinance

Community Awareness Committee

  • Guides the development and distribution of RHDC publications
  • Provides public education on Raleigh’s Historic Landmarks, Historic Overlay Districts, and historic preservation in general
  • Guides the Commission’s collaboration with federal, state, and local Governmental bodies
  • Advises Commission about existing and proposed legislation affecting Historic resources

Nominations Committee

  • Prepares an annual slate of potential Commission officers
  • Guides the Commission in making nominations to the City Council for new appointments and re‐appointments to the Commission

Research Committee

  • Researches the historic significance of local properties
  • Guides the Commission in the designation of appropriate properties as Raleigh Historic Landmarks or Historic Overlay Districts


The Commission may authorize the chair to create committees as needed.

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