Our Mission

The mission of the Raleigh Historic Development Commission is to identify, preserve, protect, and promote Raleigh’s historic resources.

RHDC 50th Anniversary

On December 18, 2011 RHDC began celebrating our 50th anniversary. Since our commission was first established in 1961, Raleigh has experienced a period of unprecedented growth and change, and the opportunities and challenges now facing us as a result of this change are mirrored in similar communities across our country and in much of the world. The demand for more durable and self-reliant local economies, increased energy and infrastructure efficiencies, and expanded affordable housing options are just a few examples of areas in which preservation can and should contribute to our community.

We have changed our name to the Raleigh Historic Development Commission to better reflect both the importance of our past as well as the promise of a sustainable future. Despite its more popular connotation, the origin of the word development is one of optimism - to develop is to bring out the possibilities or capabilities of something and development represents evolution and maturation. Indeed, the fabric of our City and our historic neighborhoods has and will always evolve and mature, and the Raleigh Historic Development Commission will continue to evolve with it. At the same time, the importance of preservation in our daily lives and the core values of our mission will remain constant.

We are the Raleigh Historic Development Commission. Our role is to identify, preserve, protect, and promote Raleigh’s historic resources.

Please join us in celebrating our fiftieth anniversary.

Fred Belledin, Chair



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